The RheoLight Dynamic Color experience
The average human eye can see millions of colors. However, many colors exist in our world that our eyes can’t catch. Imagine a new world of undiscovered dynamic colors becoming visible.
Driven by innovation and technology, we introduce RheoLight™ Crystal Glass Pigments. It is developed by Ink Invent BV, an Effect Pigment Manufacturer based in The Netherlands.
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RheoLight Mobility Special
Safety made beautiful!
Enhance visibility with RheoLight Crystal Glass Pigments. You can create beautiful and sensor-friendly color shades for every industrial application. RheoLight added to any coating and plastic formulation increases visibility in the dark significantly. RheoLight ensures a safer traffic environment for everything on wheels.

Now you see me!
RheoLight inside gives vulnerable road users (VRU) the benefit of increased visibility
rheolight™ Benefits
Create a new world of color effects
RheoLight opens a world of unlimited design and color formulations for designers and formulators in every industry.
New form and light effects
RheoLight crystal glass pigments enable the creation of luxurious new dynamic light color shades.
Visible & Invisible visibility
A true innovation in traffic environment safety with enhanced day & night visibility for humans and advanced driver-assistance systems such as LiDAR and Computer Vision.
rheolight™ insights
Platform technology innovation
RheoLight is developed as a universal and patent protected platform technology. As a result, it fits seamlessly in existing coating, binder and plastic formulations.
Application freedom
RheoLight crystal glass microsphere dispersions and mono-concentrates for plastics are compatible with existing industrial production and application processes.
Easy to formulate
RheoLight is available in water- and solvent- based dispersions and plastic mono-concentrates. Easy to incorporate in any formulation to create amazing living colors and dynamic light effects in any pearlescent and metallic coating or plastics.

“Ink Invent is honored to announce that RheoLight, has been named a CES® 2024 Innovation Awards Honoree in the category ‘Smart Cities’ as a recognition for the outstanding design and engineering features.”

“According to the jury, this innovation clearly contributes to increasing the safety of cyclists in traffic.” “The jury is very impressed that the bicycle lights up so well. The additive is very unique and certainly promotes safety on the road.”

euro bike AWARD
Jury statement: “Smart colours: RheoLight™ sets the bike frame aglow. The pigments are compatible with water-based and conventional paints and can be applied in the usual way. When it’s dark, the tubes light up – no matter what color the frame.”

“The jury was unanimous in its opinion that your entry belongs to the frontrunners within the Dutch Automotive sector and is therefore pleased to nominate it for the Automotive Innovation Award 2021.”
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Ink Invent BV
Twentehaven 5, 3433 PT Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +31 35 74 00 174